It’s easy in today’s society to equate modernity with progression and progression with achievement but being “modern” doesn’t necessarily mean being the best. Once people attain a property, many are in a rush to renovate it and modernise it to their heart’s desire. However, overhauling a property to make it contemporary could mean you end up losing a lot more than you have to gain.
While we cannot keep buildings in their original state forever, just look at Parliament, we can keep update them without losing their all-important character. You don’t have to choose one or the other; you can plunge your property into the modern era whilst maintaining elements of the past. Think automated locking systems, think new windows, think home automation. Properties do need constant work done to them otherwise they will fall into disrepair. Making minor changes that potentially mean a more efficient home does not betray the property’s history.
There are around 500,000 listed buildings in the UK. Listed buildings are labelled as such when their architectural or historical interest are said to be of national importance. Fashions fade but culture doesn’t. It’s easy to get caught up in the small period we call the Modern Age but in the grand scheme of things it is just that, small. The physical environment in which we live can have a major impact on us without realising. Having these types of buildings around us remind us of our past but also provide inspiration for the future. Modern can include many things but it can also blanket everything the same. Why would you want a society where everything is the same? Historical buildings reflect the trends of a certain time period but they also reflect the strengths and cultural values of that period. It’s a permanent expression that you can’t just wipe away. However, you can add to it.
Today we are more “green” conscious than ever, which is a good thing but with the progression of technology why overhaul a property’s design when we don’t have to. For example, Twinfix’s GW Polycarbonate replicates the appearance of Georgian wired glass but also adds qualities and benefits that could never be attained by actual glass. It weighs a lot less than its glass equivalent yet is just as strong. What’s more is that given its lighter weight less energy is used in production and transportation making it the more energy efficient choice.
Sustainability is on our minds constantly when thinking about building work so add solar panels, invest in a smart meter, install double glazing but don’t lose the authenticity of a property.
It’s authenticity that sets your property apart from others.
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