An abundance of natural light is hard to come by these days when looking at a new home but it can provide many advantages to both your home and yourself. Natural light opens up your home as an inviting space as well as opening up your body to health benefits.

We’ve all heard the mirror trick, how placing multiple mirrors in a room can make it appear bigger and this is the same for letting natural light in; it makes your space appear so much bigger than it actually is. Aside from being on trend at the moment, open plan and sweeping rooms allow you to feel free and comfortable in your own home. We’re so used to hearing about how harmful the sun is to our bodies whether it be the risk of sunburn, skin care or premature ageing but natural sunlight has mood lifting benefits that seem to either go completely ignored or are underestimated.

Sunlight can trigger the production of hormones in the body which are not only mood boosting but also help you to keep calm and stay focused. The hormone they induce the production of is, of course, serotonin. Your serotonin levels can dip when you’re not exposed to enough sunlight so if you’re someone who spends their week cooped up in an office then let the weekends be your saviour by having the light come to you in the comfort of your own home.

Low levels of serotonin can be linked to depression with seasonal pattern, which you may have heard been referred to as SAD – seasonal affective disorder. And, what exactly is used to tackle this disorder? Light therapy, also known as phototherapy as it has been proven to stimulate serotonin production. It’s not always easy to achieve lots of natural light in a home but when you do you’ll be surprised at how much it changes your mood.

There are many ways to alter a property so that you get the natural light without any of the downfalls such as heat or glare. For example, you can add a light shelf if there’s a room that allows lots of sunlight in. A light shelf is a horizontal shelf placed just above eye level of a window. When the light enters through the window it bounces off the shelf meaning you don’t get the unnecessary glare you would otherwise have and the light is distributed evenly.

A much easier way of ensuring your home is always equipped with sunlight is by investing in skylights. They’re easy to install and provide a lot of light for little effort. If skylights aren’t your preference, try glass doors instead of solid doors that don’t allow any light whatsoever to pass through. If you’re worried about privacy then try frosted glass; it provides more light than you would expect.

Let the light travel through your home without you having to do anything. Experience a home that seems brighter, bigger and better all at the same time as revelling in a happy mood.

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