Introducing Natural Light into Your Home

At Dawes and Green we value the importance of natural lighting in homes.

With the right design and installation, your space can seem bigger and far more welcoming. That’s the difference having a bespoke installation makes; it meets your needs and creates just the right amount of atmosphere for your individual space.

Light is a vital element in our lives. Dark spaces and shadowy areas can affect our mood, make a place less inviting. Artificial light unless strategically placed and well-thought out with design, can and does affect lifestyle. Spots that are too bright can make it difficult to relax. It’s not just about putting in a 60-watt bulb here and there. Light can be used to change the appearance of a space, delivering a change in mood as quickly as it takes to flick a switch.

In an ideal home, the majority of lighting will be from outside. Natural light is best whether its bright sunlight or muted overcast light, it boosts our immune system, provides us with the all important vitamins for our overall well-being and health. Light is antibacterial and helps us fight off disease. Natural light is more important than ever.

21st century living is highlighting more depression, diminished immune systems and insomnia, to name but a few. Natural lighting in homes is crucial to add value and wealth to our health and general well-being.

According to Per Arnold Andersen, “the average ‘European’ spends 90 per cent of his time indoors, but 30% of all buildings provide an unhealthy indoor climate with too little daylight.”

In 2017 we now have architectural materials at our finger-tips to throw away 19th century living and have more opportunity now to renovate, redesign or build our own homes to bring outside, inside.

Not only does letting the light in, natural lighting reduces your carbon footprint and energy expenses. Having natural light breathe life into your home overcomes harsh ‘lamp’ lighting and provides natural warmth any time of the year. Natural is best and with Dawes and Green we can help you light up any room with a bespoke lantern design or window architecture to provide that sanctuary of which modern day living deprives many people in their homes.

The truth is that putting more planning into your home can deliver spectacular results.

With better planning, you can create warmer and more welcoming spaces just by taking into consider natural light.

Dawes and Green will help you take a long, hard look at your space and come up with natural lighting solutions that fit your needs perfectly. We do this by working with you, with architects and interior designers to deliver on our promise of elegance and excellence.

Don’t neglect the lighting in your home. If you want to see how Dawes and Green can illuminate and transform any space, contact us today, submit your plans or just to find out more.