At Dawes & Green we often get asked about the best way to maintain doors and windows. We produce quality, tailor made products for our clients, some of the most stylish and elegant windows and doors you are ever likely to see. So regular maintenance is high on our list of important things to do.
Here are some quick tips for keeping your windows and doors in top condition all year around.
- Timber frames: Inspect on a regular basis for cracks and other problems that may need to be repaired. Once moisture gets into the timber it can cause the frame to rot. Timber frames generally require more checking and maintenance than other kinds of windows.
- Aluminium frames: These and other frames need less maintenance than timber ones but a wipe or wash down every so often keeps them free of dirt and any potential problems.
- Checking seals: Open the window and have a look at the seal to make sure it is intact. With high quality windows this shouldn’t be a problem for a long while but it’s still worth keeping an eye on. You can also wipe the seals down with a silicone care product to make sure that they don’t dry out and become cracked.
Check locks: You should also check your locks once in a while to make sure they don’t have any problems such as rust or a faulty mechanism. Other things to check are the hinge areas especially for doors and make sure that multiple lock points are engaging when you turn the key.
- Cleaning windows: If you don’t have a regular window cleaner, then giving your windows a wash every couple of months can keep them in great condition. People often do the outside but forget inside. Wandering hands and pets can leave marks that can easily be removed using a weak soap solution.
- Exterior frames: When you clean the windows don’t forget the exterior frames and cills which can gather quite a bit of dirt as the seasons move on.
- Maintenance: If your door has a more complicated security system such as electronic entry then making sure you have regular maintenance is important. This should be carried out by a qualified and reliable technician.
Spotting a problem: If you do spot any problem with your windows you should contact your installer immediately rather than leave it to get worse. One of the main issues with windows, for instance, can be condensation produced by a faulty seal. This can look unsightly and damage your window if not addressed. It can also reduce the energy efficiency of your windows.
Often it takes just an hour or so a couple of times a year to make sure that everything is working properly. While this is often done naturally when you use the door because you come in and out of it so often, many people forget their windows.
At Dawes & Green our bespoke installations for doors and windows always come with a full list of ways to maintain them. Regular maintenance, especially checking areas such seals, and cleaning will ensure that your windows and doors last for many years to come.
Door Security and Insurance blog • Tips for maintenance • Next generation
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